
Friday, January 7, 2011

She will be here soon!

We are adopting! The baby will be here soon; she is due January 20th. We have been busy getting the nursery ready.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Our First Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Mike and I are spending our first Thanksgiving together as a married couple. We are also baking our first turkey together. Neither one of us has ever made a turkey before. Here is a fabulous video of how to prepare your turkey. This is how we prepared ours...

Here we are preparing the turkey...

Saturday, October 2, 2010

We are married now!

We had a magical wedding day today. We decided to get married on the balcony of our cabin with the Smokies in the background. Our beautiful cake was delivered on time, our minister did a wonderful job, the weather was perfect, the reception was fabulous, and we got some great photos! Everyone who was at the wedding can be seen in the photo below. We are on our honeymoon now and we are going to be posting more photos.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fall Wedding Cookies

My brother brought fall cookie cutters in town to make cookies for the wedding. What better way to celebrate a fall wedding! Less than two days left!

Look at the acorns. My brother put so much detail into these little wondrous cookies!

~ Lori

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mike's iTunes and Casino Dollar Dash

After having so much fun participating in the Kruckemeyer and Kohn Diamond Dash Scavenger Hunt, we decided it would be fun to design our own scavenger hunts for each other. Below are pictures from the scavenger hunt I designed for Mike.

First he had to translate a passage from Spanish to English that led him to the mailbox. In the mailbox, there was a rubix cube with a case and combination lock. The code for the combination lock was hidden in the rubix cube. The next clue was hidden in a plant outside that led him to the southern most window in the house. I wrote with window crayons "Go to the darkest room of the house and look for the stars. Hint: Turn off the light." In the bathroom, I had glow in the dark stars on top of the mirror that told him to look for Walt under the sink. There was a Walt Disney puzzle that he had to work for the next clue, which was on the back of the puzzle. The clue led him to the final destination, which was underneath his pillow where the toothfairy left an iTunes gift card and money for a night at the casino!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Finally, a house (rented) but still our home

We'll be moved in by September 1st! We will post pictures of the inside soon.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sneak peek of the cake

The cake has been chosen and we are ordering it through Smoky Mountain Cakes. Although we don't want to show you the entire cake because it would spoil the fun, below is a sneak peek of what it will look like. :) Look at the cool butterfly! It is going to be a beautiful and yummy cake. We will have photos of it after the wedding and we will post them on here. Smooth buttercream icing/traditional white cake/blue roses/white butterflies...